Brief Description

MindMaster Chess™ is a proven way to learn chess. It’s a pre-chess, 4 step (4 games) process for beginners, with each step building upon the previous step.

What You Receive

  • Quick Guide Manual
  • Quick Reference….Ea. game board set up/ea. piece movements
  • “Game Board”
  • 32 modern chess pieces
  • 6 new unique chess pieces
  • 2 score markers
  • Spares – 3 chess pieces, 2 score markers
  • Travel Box (printed playing board on the lid.)


Step 1: Game 1

Duel Chess

The basics of chess is introduced, chess board, chessmen, how they move and capture – all without the details and somewhat confusing (for a beginner) rules on modern chess. These come at a later time. You win by scoring points, a known concept that is easy and fun.

Step 2: Game 2

Combat Chess

The concept of planning ahead by using strategy is now subtly introduced. The same as “Duel Chess” but with the introduction of a new piece (Bowman).

Step 3: Game 3

Numbers Chess

More challenging, yet fun! This brings the player closer to modern chess. Same as “Combat Chess” but with a new chess piece (Swordsman) introduced.

Step 4: Game 4

Standard Chess

What is Achieved: The player is now prepared for Step 4 Game 4 – Standard Chess. The player of MindMaster Chess™ is completely changed from the notion that chess is too difficult or too hard for them. In fact, they have been easily transformed into knowing the basic fundamentals of chess. MindMaster Chess™ has found a method, a process that through playing its games, modern chess is reduced to its basics.